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Simulating new subjects is a very common task, and this is even the default simulation method in NMsim (because Nonmem does that with in a $SIMULATION step). However, sometimes one may want to perform multiple simulations using the same simulated subjects. So we want to simulate new subjects, but only once, and then we want to be able to reuse those subjects. This can be wanted for at least these reasons:

  • Compare simulations of different scenarios with multiple subjects where ensuring that the difference in results isn’t caused by differences in simulated subjects (less important the more subjects that are used in the simulations)

  • Ensure reproducibility of results. If the simulation input data is modified by say adding a simulation scenario in between two existing ones - or even just a sample time, the random number generator will be in different state when sampling the subjects the next time it runs. Suddenly, an estimated prediction interval comes out a little different.

NMsim has a way to do this. It includes a function, simPopEtas(), to generate a simulated .phi file which is a Nonmem-native format for storing emperical Bayes estimates (essentially individual parameters). It does so by reading and simulating from the estimated OMEGA matrix (random-effect variance-covariance matrix - a covariance step is not needed to get this). The simulation method called NMsim_known() can then be used to simulate subjects as stored in this file. See NMsim-known.html for more information on NMsim_known.

What is a subject?

What is refered to here by “subject” is really a combination of ETAs. Covariates must be handled by the user in the simulation input dataset. This is also discussed in NMsim-known.html.


file.project <- function(...)file.path(system.file("examples",package="NMsim"),...)
file.mod <- file.project("nonmem/xgxr032.mod")

Let’s simulate 10,000 ETA combinations and store them in a file called xgxr032_simEtas.phi.

#> seed is deprecated. Use `seed.R`.

We’ll just use the simulation data set created in NMsim-DataCreate.html

dat.sim <- read_fst(path="simulate-results/dat_sim.fst",

And now we can use NMsim_known().

dat.sim.multiple <- egdt(dat.sim[,!("ID")],data.table(ID=c(1,4,89)))
#>      data nrows ncols
#>    <char> <int> <int>
#> 1:    dt1   171    10
#> 2:    dt2     3     1
#> 3: result   513    11

simres <- NMsim(
    table.vars="PRED IPRED",

Simulate the same simulated subjects on multiple regimens

dat.sim.multiple.regs <- lapply(c(100,300,600),function(dose1){
    transform(dat.sim.multiple,AMT=AMT/300*dose1,trt=sprintf("%d mg then %d mg QD",dose1,dose1/2))
}) |> rbindlist()

Note on between-occasion variability (supported)