ConfigurationConfigure NMdata behaviour |
Configure default behavior of NMdata functions |
Data PreparationFunctions for preparation of PK/PD data sets |
Standardize column order in Nonmem input data |
Compare elements in lists with aim of combining |
List rows with missing values across multiple columns |
Extract unique non-missing value from vector |
Merge, order, and check resulting rows and columns. |
Rename columns matching properties of data contents |
Assign exclusion flags to a dataset based on specified table |
Create an overview of number of retained and discarded datapoints. |
Add time since previous dose to data, time of previous dose, most recent dose amount, cumulative number of doses, and cumulative dose amount. |
Transform repeated dosing events (ADDL/II) to individual dosing events |
Replace strings in character character columns of a data set |
Extract column labels as defined in SAS |
Write dataWrite data and edit update NONMEM control streams |
Write dataset for use in Nonmem (and R) |
Generate text for INPUT and possibly DATA sections of NONMEM control streams. |
stamp a dataset or any other object |
Replace ($)sections of a Nonmem control stream |
Write IGNORE/ACCEPT filters to NONMEM model |
Writes a parameter values to a control stream |
Replace data file used in Nonmem control stream |
Retrieve NONMEM dataFunctions for retrieving NONMEM input and output data |
Automatically find Nonmem input and output tables and organize data |
Run NMscanData on multiple models and stack results |
Find and read all output data tables in Nonmem run |
Find and read input data and optionally translate column names according to the $INPUT section |
Read in data file |
Read input data formatted for Nonmem |
Read information from Nonmem ext files |
Read data filters from a NONMEM model |
Tabulate information from parameter sections in control streams |
Read information from Nonmem phi files |
Read Shrinkage data reported by Nonmem |
Read an output table file from Nonmem |
Read comments to parameter definitions in Nonmem control streams |
Relate parameter names and variables based on control stream code sections. |
Get metadata from an NMdata object |
add correlations of off-diagonal OMEGA and SIGMA elements to a parameter table |
Deprecated: use addCor. Add correlations to parameter table |
Checking and DebuggingFunctions for checking data and input control streams |
Compare $INPUT in control stream to column names in input data |
Check data for Nonmem compatibility or check control stream for data compatibility |
ProgrammingAdditional functions for programming |
Create character vectors without quotation marks |
Define a vector with factor levels in the same order as occurring in the vector. |
Convert a data.table of parameter estimates to a matrix |
upper or lower triangle or all values of a matrix as long-format |
Expand grid of data.tables |
Get dimensions of multiple objects |
Extract columns that vary within values of other columns |
Extract columns that vary within values of other columns in a data.frame |
paste something before file name extension. |
Change file name extension |
Check if an object is 'NMdata' |
Remove NMdata class and discard NMdata meta data |
Test if a variable can be interpreted by Nonmem |
Extract sections of Nonmem control streams |
Extract the data file used in a control stream |
Versatile text extractor from Nonmem (input or output) control streams |
Basic arithmetic on NMdata objects |
generate a name for a new data column that is not already in use. |
Calculate number of elements for matrix specification |
MiscMiscellaneous |
summary method for NMdata objects |
print method for NMdata summaries |