Parameter tables are a basic and essential look into a model estimate. Due to Nonmem’s flexible model definition approach, getting an informative parameter table can however be an involved process.

  • Nonmem parameters like THETA(1), OMEGA(2,2), SIGMA(1,1) etc. must be connected with physiologically interpretable parameters such as “Clearance” or “Between-subject variability on central volume” to be informative.

  • Physiologically interpretable parameters may be transformations of Nonmem parameters.

A manual or even semi-automated approach to establishing these relationships are manually involved to quality check.

NMdata offers two distinct approaches to connecting Nonmem parameters to physiologially interpretable ones. Which one will be most useful depends on your work style and how you organize your control streams.

  • Flexible, user-defined interpretation of delimited comments in the parameter sections ($THETA, $OMEGA, and $SIGMA) (NMreadParText()). This means, if you added comments in whatever consistent way in these sections, NMreadParText() is likely to be able to get it into a formatted data.frame.

  • Automatic translation of Nonmem code related to direct use of the parameters (NMrelate()). This may be a pretty good approach trying to report a Nonmem model without structured labeling in the parameter sections. If you keep a coding standard, it may allow you to skip manual parameter translation altogether. And lastly, it may be a powerful QC tool in any case.

Notice, this vignette zooms in on how to read, label and format “parameter estimates”. It does not deal with reading input and output data (see the NMscanData() vignette). Also, it does not go into how to get a nice print of the table in a report or a slide deck. For that next step, I have personally found R packages flextable and pmtables useful. The scope is just to collect the information.

NMdata contains the following functions to read estimates from Nonmem:

  • NMreadExt() A feature-rich processor of ext files. Provides final parameter estimates with uncertainties and everything else provided in the ext file, iterations, objective function value and termination status
  • NMreadPhi() Reads individual posthoc estimates into a data.frame
  • NMreadCov() Reads an estimated variance-covariance matrix and formats as a matrix
  • NMreadShk() to read shrinkage tables

NMreadExt() is central to the topic of this vignette, and NMreadShk() is also used. Another interesting function is NMrelate() which processes the control stream code to automatically identify parameter names and relate them to parameters (such as CL to $THETA(1) and $OMEGA(1,1)). Read on, if interested.

Reading Nonmem parameter estimates

Before getting into how to translate the Nonmem parameters, it is worth mentioning how to even just read the parameter estimates with NMdata. A lot of the relevant information is stored in the .ext file and can be read using NMreadExt().

file.mod <- system.file("examples/nonmem/xgxr133.mod",package="NMdata")

pars.ext <- NMreadExt(file.mod)

This does provide a basic parameter table.

pars.ext[,.(,FIX,value,se)] FIX value se
THETA(1) 0 0.8028730 0.0642182
THETA(2) 0 4.3165400 0.0586268
THETA(3) 0 2.5524100 0.0916355
THETA(4) 0 5.1554800 0.2547830
THETA(5) 0 2.1515900 0.0647584
THETA(6) 0 0.4427680 0.1405420
OMEGA(1,1) 1 0.0000000 0.0000000
OMEGA(2,1) 1 0.0000000 0.0000000
OMEGA(2,2) 0 0.1737760 0.0312273
OMEGA(3,1) 1 0.0000000 0.0000000
OMEGA(3,2) 0 -0.0478580 0.0254373
OMEGA(3,3) 0 0.2542050 0.0433948
OMEGA(4,1) 1 0.0000000 0.0000000
OMEGA(4,2) 1 0.0000000 0.0000000
OMEGA(4,3) 1 0.0000000 0.0000000
OMEGA(4,4) 1 0.0000000 0.0000000
OMEGA(5,1) 1 0.0000000 0.0000000
OMEGA(5,2) 1 0.0000000 0.0000000
OMEGA(5,3) 1 0.0000000 0.0000000
OMEGA(5,4) 1 0.0000000 0.0000000
OMEGA(5,5) 1 0.0000000 0.0000000
SIGMA(1,1) 0 0.0812994 0.0054321
SIGMA(2,1) 1 0.0000000 0.0000000
SIGMA(2,2) 1 0.0000000 0.0000000

NMreadExt() does return more than that. These are all the columns available:

#>  [1] "model"       "TABLENO"     "NMREP"       "table.step"  "par.type"   
#>  [6] "parameter"   ""    "i"           "j"           "FIX"        
#> [11] "value"       "cond"        "eigCor"      "partLik"     "se"         
#> [16] "seStdDevCor" "stdDevCor"   "termStat"    "est"         "iblock"     
#> [21] "blocksize"

where est is a deprecated copy of the value column.

NMreadExt() can return other information than the parameter estimates. This vignette is about creating parameter tables so for now, let this be a teaser for what else NMreadExt() provides (which is all the info in .ext files):

#> [1] "pars"       "iterations" "obj"

Retrieve physiologically interpretable labels using parameter section annotations

The above parameter table is not useful to many, maybe not even to the person who wrote the model. The parameter sections of the control stream contain consistently formatted information we can use.

#> $THETA  (.1)             ; 1 : LTVKA ; Absorption rate [1/h] ; log
#> $THETA  (3)             ; 2 : LTVV2 ;  Central volume [L] ; log
#> $THETA  (1)             ; 3 : LTVCL ; Clearance [L/h] ; log
#> $THETA  (4)             ; 4 : LTVV3 ; Peripheral volume [L] ; log
#> $THETA  (-1)             ; 5 : LTVQ ; Intercomparmental clearance [L/h] ; log
#> $THETA .1              ; 6 : AGEEFF ; Age effect on clearance []; log 
#> $OMEGA 0 FIX ; 1 : BSV.KA ; KA Between-subject variability
#> 0.1   ; 2 : BSV.V2 ; V2 Between-subject variability
#>  0.01   ; 2-3 : Cov.BSV.V2-CL ; V2-CL Covariance
#>  0.1   ; 3 : BSV.CL ; CL Between-subject variability
#> $OMEGA 0 FIX ; 4 : BSV.V3 ; V3 Between-subject variability
#> $OMEGA 0 FIX ; 5 : BSV.Q  ; Q Between-subject variability 
#> $SIGMA 0.1    ; SigP - Prop err
#> $SIGMA 0 FIX  ; SigA - Add err

NMdata::NMreadParsText() provides a very flexible way to read this information into R. One has to provide the format used in the control stream in a simple way. Take a look at the annotations shown above. Following an optional $THETA/$OMEGA/$SIGMA, each line contains the initial value specification used by Nonmem, and then comments containing a counter, a variable name (symbol), and a label string. $THETA also includes units and transformation coding (log means the physiological parameter is the exponentail of the $THETA). SIGMA is coded simpler, only holding a symbol and a label separated by a dash. We mimick that in the format arguments to NMreadParsText().

partab <- NMreadParsText(file.mod,format="%init;%idx:%symbol;%label[%unit];%trans",
init idx symbol label unit trans par.type i j parameter model
(.1) 1 LTVKA Absorption rate 1/h log THETA 1 NA THETA1 xgxr133
(3) 2 LTVV2 Central volume L log THETA 2 NA THETA2 xgxr133
(1) 3 LTVCL Clearance L/h log THETA 3 NA THETA3 xgxr133
(4) 4 LTVV3 Peripheral volume L log THETA 4 NA THETA4 xgxr133
(-1) 5 LTVQ Intercomparmental clearance L/h log THETA 5 NA THETA5 xgxr133
.1 6 AGEEFF Age effect on clearance log THETA 6 NA THETA6 xgxr133
0 FIX 1 BSV.KA KA Between-subject variability NA NA OMEGA 1 1 OMEGA(1,1) xgxr133
0.1 2 BSV.V2 V2 Between-subject variability NA NA OMEGA 2 2 OMEGA(2,2) xgxr133
0.01 2-3 Cov.BSV.V2-CL V2-CL Covariance NA NA OMEGA 3 2 OMEGA(3,2) xgxr133
0.1 3 BSV.CL CL Between-subject variability NA NA OMEGA 3 3 OMEGA(3,3) xgxr133
0 FIX 4 BSV.V3 V3 Between-subject variability NA NA OMEGA 4 4 OMEGA(4,4) xgxr133
0 FIX 5 BSV.Q Q Between-subject variability NA NA OMEGA 5 5 OMEGA(5,5) xgxr133
0.1 1 SigP Prop err NA NA SIGMA 1 1 SIGMA(1,1) xgxr133
0 FIX 2 SigA Add err NA NA SIGMA 2 2 SIGMA(2,2) xgxr133

Notice a few things here.

  • A variable must be defined in the format by using a % followed by alphanumeric characters.

Non-alphanumeric characters can be used as delimiters. In this case ; is used as the delimiter most of the time, but not concistently. After the counter a : was used. And in fact, the brackets around the units ([1/h]) are delimiters too. In this case [ is a delimiter on its own, and ] form a multi-charater delimitor together with the following ;.

  • Spaces around delimitors are ignored

We did not specfiy any spaces, and spaces around delimitors are ignored altogeter by default. You musst use the spaces.split argument if you want to respect spaces as delimitors.

  • Not all fields need be available in all lines

In fact, we did not specify two distinct formats for $THETA and $OMEGA even though $OMEGA lines do no include units and transformations. NA’s are filled in where information is missing. However, you cannot skip delimitors in a line. You can skip contents, but the structure must be consistent. As an example, see how the unit is skipped on THETA(A) - AGEEFF.

  • Distinct formats are allowed for $THETA, $OMEGA and $SIGMA

format always applies to $THETA and is inherited to use for $OMEGA if is not supplied. The format used for $OMEGA is inherited for $SIGMA if format.sigma is not provided.

  • An index variable called idx was included, helping the modeler keeping track of the parameter indexes in the control stream. As of NMdata 0.1.9 is this by default not used and all i and j values are automatically identified.

In this example, the correlation between two $OMEGA elements is estimated. NMreadParsText() needs the off-diagonal elements in $OMEGA and/or $SIGMA to be on their own lines to connect comments to them. If a diagonal element and an off-diagonal element is on the same line, NMreadParsText() will assign the comments to the diagonal element. It may not be worth adding comments to off-diagonal elements because they are simply covariances of already labeled diagonal elements. A simple postprocessing step can therefore be used to add them.

See more examples in ?NMreadParsText() to better understand how you can tweak the formats to match your needs.

Merge parameter estimates and parameter labels

And we can format a parameter table with labels merging with the .ext file:

partab2 <- mergeCheck(pars.ext,
partab.print <- partab2[,.(,symbol,FIX,label,unit,Estimate,RSE=RSE)]
partab.print symbol FIX label unit Estimate RSE
THETA(1) LTVKA 0 Absorption rate 1/h 2.23 8.0%
THETA(2) LTVV2 0 Central volume L 74.9 1.4%
THETA(3) LTVCL 0 Clearance L/h 12.8 3.6%
THETA(4) LTVV3 0 Peripheral volume L 173 4.9%
THETA(5) LTVQ 0 Intercomparmental clearance L/h 8.60 3.0%
THETA(6) AGEEFF 0 Age effect on clearance 1.56 31.7%
OMEGA(1,1) BSV.KA 1 KA Between-subject variability NA 0 NA
OMEGA(2,1) NA 1 NA NA 0 NA
OMEGA(2,2) BSV.V2 0 V2 Between-subject variability NA 0.174 18.0%
OMEGA(3,1) NA 1 NA NA 0 NA
OMEGA(3,2) Cov.BSV.V2-CL 0 V2-CL Covariance NA -0.0479 -53.2%
OMEGA(3,3) BSV.CL 0 CL Between-subject variability NA 0.254 17.1%
OMEGA(4,1) NA 1 NA NA 0 NA
OMEGA(4,2) NA 1 NA NA 0 NA
OMEGA(4,3) NA 1 NA NA 0 NA
OMEGA(4,4) BSV.V3 1 V3 Between-subject variability NA 0 NA
OMEGA(5,1) NA 1 NA NA 0 NA
OMEGA(5,2) NA 1 NA NA 0 NA
OMEGA(5,3) NA 1 NA NA 0 NA
OMEGA(5,4) NA 1 NA NA 0 NA
OMEGA(5,5) BSV.Q 1 Q Between-subject variability NA 0 NA
SIGMA(1,1) SigP 0 Prop err NA 0.0813 6.7%
SIGMA(2,1) NA 1 NA NA 0 NA
SIGMA(2,2) SigA 1 Add err NA 0 NA

The left join we did with mergeCheck includes all parameters from the .ext file. In this case we want to skip all the off-diagonals in $OMEGA and $SIGMA because they are not estimated. Let’s just look at the ones that were estimated. In many cases some fixed parameters can be relevant to include in a parameter table, and then you need to modify this step.

partab.print <- partab.print[FIX==0,.(,symbol,label,unit,Estimate,RSE)] 

We need to explain that RSE’s were calculated on the log scale for the transformed parameters. We could also want to add confidence intervals based on the estimated standard error on the log scale. But we are getting close.

Add shrinkage

Shrinkage estimates can be taken from the .ext file using NMreadShk(). Notice, depending on the Nonmem version multiple different shrinkage estimates are provided (and fetched by NMreadShk). Here, we just include the SD-based \\eta-shrinkages.

shk <- NMreadShk(file.mod)

partab.print2 <- mergeCheck(partab.print,shk[,.(,Pval=signif2(Pval,2),etabar,EtaShkSD=percent(EtaShkSD/100))],by="",all.x=TRUE)
#> Column(s) added: Pval, etabar, EtaShkSD
partab.print2 symbol label unit Estimate RSE Pval etabar EtaShkSD
THETA(1) LTVKA Absorption rate 1/h 2.23 8.0% NA NA NA
THETA(2) LTVV2 Central volume L 74.9 1.4% NA NA NA
THETA(3) LTVCL Clearance L/h 12.8 3.6% NA NA NA
THETA(4) LTVV3 Peripheral volume L 173 4.9% NA NA NA
THETA(5) LTVQ Intercomparmental clearance L/h 8.60 3.0% NA NA NA
THETA(6) AGEEFF Age effect on clearance 1.56 31.7% NA NA NA
OMEGA(2,2) BSV.V2 V2 Between-subject variability NA 0.174 18.0% 0.97 -0.0014793 7.3%
OMEGA(3,2) Cov.BSV.V2-CL V2-CL Covariance NA -0.0479 -53.2% NA NA NA
OMEGA(3,3) BSV.CL CL Between-subject variability NA 0.254 17.1% 0.99 -0.0006435 10.1%
SIGMA(1,1) SigP Prop err NA 0.0813 6.7% NA NA NA

Correlation estimates

A simple function addCor() is available to calculate estimated correlations of random effects. addCor() simply applies stats::cov2cor() to get the correlations from the variance-covariance matrices $SIGMA and $OMEGA.

Partab4 <- NMdata::addCor(partab2)
Partab4[FIX==0,.(,symbol,FIX,label,unit,Estimate,RSE=RSE,corr)] symbol FIX label unit Estimate RSE corr
THETA(1) LTVKA 0 Absorption rate 1/h 2.23 8.0% NA
THETA(2) LTVV2 0 Central volume L 74.9 1.4% NA
THETA(3) LTVCL 0 Clearance L/h 12.8 3.6% NA
THETA(4) LTVV3 0 Peripheral volume L 173 4.9% NA
THETA(5) LTVQ 0 Intercomparmental clearance L/h 8.60 3.0% NA
THETA(6) AGEEFF 0 Age effect on clearance 1.56 31.7% NA
OMEGA(2,2) BSV.V2 0 V2 Between-subject variability NA 0.174 18.0% 1.0000000
OMEGA(3,2) Cov.BSV.V2-CL 0 V2-CL Covariance NA -0.0479 -53.2% -0.2277024
OMEGA(3,3) BSV.CL 0 CL Between-subject variability NA 0.254 17.1% 1.0000000
SIGMA(1,1) SigP 0 Prop err NA 0.0813 6.7% 1.0000000

Adding initial values and bounds

Use the function NMreadInits() to break down the initial values, bounds and “FIX” information as shown in the control stream. This can easily be merged onto the parameter table as needed.

par.type parameter i j iblock blocksize init lower upper FIX
THETA THETA1 THETA(1) 1 NA 1 1 0.10 NA NA 0
THETA THETA2 THETA(2) 2 NA 2 1 3.00 NA NA 0
THETA THETA3 THETA(3) 3 NA 3 1 1.00 NA NA 0
THETA THETA4 THETA(4) 4 NA 4 1 4.00 NA NA 0
THETA THETA5 THETA(5) 5 NA 5 1 -1.00 NA NA 0
THETA THETA6 THETA(6) 6 NA 6 1 0.10 NA NA 0
OMEGA OMEGA(1,1) OMEGA(1,1) 1 1 1 1 0.00 NA NA 1
OMEGA OMEGA(2,2) OMEGA(2,2) 2 2 2 2 0.10 NA NA 0
OMEGA OMEGA(3,2) OMEGA(3,2) 3 2 2 2 0.01 NA NA 0
OMEGA OMEGA(3,3) OMEGA(3,3) 3 3 2 2 0.10 NA NA 0
OMEGA OMEGA(4,4) OMEGA(4,4) 4 4 4 1 0.00 NA NA 1
OMEGA OMEGA(5,5) OMEGA(5,5) 5 5 5 1 0.00 NA NA 1
SIGMA SIGMA(1,1) SIGMA(1,1) 1 1 1 1 0.10 NA NA 0
SIGMA SIGMA(2,2) SIGMA(2,2) 2 2 2 1 0.00 NA NA 1

Editing information in the parameter table

The problem with the otherwise nicely looking table generated above is that we spotted a typo in one label. A “t” is missing in “Intercompartmental”. How are we going to fix that? The model was finalized so we don’t want to edit the control stream. For this specific problem we could fix it with a simple text replacement. But such patchwork can become messy with a large model. While the method of providing all the details in control stream may look like a great solution at first, it has problems

A practical issue is the tedious process keeping all the candidate models up to date as the information for the parameter tables improves. The parameter table work is often part of a model reporting step following model development. Since the control streams are created in the model development step, the parameter table fine tuning is difficult to integrate. Briefly, we need a way to update the parameter tables after finalizing the control stream.

tab.offline <- read.csv("derived/partab_offline.csv")
#> Column(s) added: label, unit
model TABLENO NMREP table.step par.type parameter i j FIX value cond eigCor partLik se seStdDevCor stdDevCor termStat est iblock blocksize init idx symbol trans value.trans Estimate RSE label unit
xgxr133 2 1 IMP THETA THETA1 THETA(1) 1 NA 0 0.8028730 22.32860 0.129310 0.6574150 0.0642182 0.0000000 0.000000 0 0.8028730 NA NA (.1) 1 LTVKA log 2.2319441 2.23 8.0% Absorption rate 1/h
xgxr133 2 1 IMP THETA THETA2 THETA(2) 2 NA 0 4.3165400 0.12931 0.401499 -0.8741820 0.0586268 0.0000000 0.000000 0 4.3165400 NA NA (3) 2 LTVV2 log 74.9289252 74.9 1.4% Central volume L
xgxr133 2 1 IMP THETA THETA3 THETA(3) 3 NA 0 2.5524100 2.88730 0.429168 -0.3923980 0.0916355 0.0000000 0.000000 0 2.5524100 NA NA (1) 3 LTVCL log 12.8380061 12.8 3.6% Clearance L/h
xgxr133 2 1 IMP THETA THETA4 THETA(4) 4 NA 0 5.1554800 0.00000 0.481360 -2.6760700 0.2547830 0.0000000 0.000000 0 5.1554800 NA NA (4) 4 LTVV3 log 173.3790087 173 4.9% Peripheral volume L
xgxr133 2 1 IMP THETA THETA5 THETA(5) 5 NA 0 2.1515900 0.00000 0.773260 3.3035300 0.0647584 0.0000000 0.000000 0 2.1515900 NA NA (-1) 5 LTVQ log 8.5985192 8.60 3.0% Intercompartmental clearance L/h
xgxr133 2 1 IMP THETA THETA6 THETA(6) 6 NA 0 0.4427680 0.00000 0.870593 0.0673492 0.1405420 0.0000000 0.000000 0 0.4427680 NA NA .1 6 AGEEFF log 1.5570111 1.56 31.7% Age effect on clearance
xgxr133 2 1 IMP OMEGA OMEGA(2,2) OMEGA(2,2) 2 2 0 0.1737760 0.00000 0.000000 0.6164530 0.0312273 0.0374549 0.416864 0 0.1737760 2 2 0.1 2 BSV.V2 NA 0.1737760 0.174 18.0% Between-subject variability - Central volume
xgxr133 2 1 IMP OMEGA OMEGA(3,2) OMEGA(3,2) 3 2 0 -0.0478580 0.00000 0.000000 1.2065900 0.0254373 0.1135310 -0.227702 0 -0.0478580 2 2 0.01 2-3 Cov.BSV.V2-CL NA -0.0478580 -0.0479 -53.2% NA NA
xgxr133 2 1 IMP OMEGA OMEGA(3,3) OMEGA(3,3) 3 3 0 0.2542050 0.00000 0.000000 0.7464250 0.0433948 0.0430343 0.504188 0 0.2542050 2 2 0.1 3 BSV.CL NA 0.2542050 0.254 17.1% Between-subject variability - Clearance
xgxr133 2 1 IMP SIGMA SIGMA(1,1) SIGMA(1,1) 1 1 0 0.0812994 0.00000 1.107170 16.4170000 0.0054321 0.0095256 0.285130 0 0.0812994 1 1 0.1 1 SigP NA 0.0812994 0.0813 6.7% NA NA

Identifying the parameter names from $PK or $PRED code

In the last example, all we used from the control stream was the symbol, i.e. an abbreviated parameter name. The rest was merged in from a table maintained in a csv file. <- NMrelate(file.mod)[,symbol:=label][par.type=="OMEGA",symbol:=paste0("BSV.",symbol)]
model par.type i j nrep.LHS nrep.par LHS label code symbol
xgxr133 OMEGA(1,1) OMEGA 1 1 1 1 KA KA KA=EXP(MU_1+ETA(1)) BSV.KA
xgxr133 OMEGA(2,2) OMEGA 2 2 1 1 V2 V2 V2=EXP(MU_2+ETA(2)) BSV.V2
xgxr133 OMEGA(3,3) OMEGA 3 3 1 1 CL CL CL=EXP(MU_3+ETA(3)) BSV.CL
xgxr133 OMEGA(4,4) OMEGA 4 4 1 1 V3 V3 V3=EXP(MU_4+ETA(4)) BSV.V3
xgxr133 OMEGA(5,5) OMEGA 5 5 1 1 Q Q Q=EXP(MU_5+ETA(5)) BSV.Q
xgxr133 SIGMA(1,1) SIGMA 1 1 1 2 SIGP SIGP SIGP=SIGMA(1,1) SIGP
xgxr133 SIGMA(1,1) SIGMA 1 1 2 2 Y Y - SIGMA(1,1) Y=F+F*ERR(1)+ERR(2) Y - SIGMA(1,1)
xgxr133 SIGMA(2,2) SIGMA 2 2 1 2 SIGA SIGA SIGA=SIGMA(2,2) SIGA
xgxr133 SIGMA(2,2) SIGMA 2 2 2 2 Y Y - SIGMA(2,2) Y=F+F*ERR(1)+ERR(2) Y - SIGMA(2,2)

#> Column(s) added: label, unit symbol label unit
THETA(1) LTVKA Absorption rate 1/h
THETA(2) LTVV2 Central volume L
THETA(3) LTVCL Clearance L/h
THETA(4) LTVV3 Peripheral volume L
THETA(5) LTVQ Intercompartmental clearance L/h
THETA(6) AGEEFF Age effect on clearance
OMEGA(1,1) BSV.KA Between-subject variability - Absorption rate
OMEGA(2,2) BSV.V2 Between-subject variability - Central volume
OMEGA(3,3) BSV.CL Between-subject variability - Clearance
OMEGA(4,4) BSV.V3 Between-subject variability - Peripheral volume
OMEGA(5,5) BSV.Q Between-subject variability - Intercompartmental clearance
SIGMA(1,1) SIGP Proportional residual error
SIGMA(1,1) Y - SIGMA(1,1) NA NA
SIGMA(2,2) SIGA Additive residual error ng/mL
SIGMA(2,2) Y - SIGMA(2,2) NA NA

file2.mod <- system.file("examples/nonmem/xgxr133.mod",package="NMdata")

pars.ext <- NMreadExt(file2.mod) <- NMrelate(file2.mod)[,symbol:=label]
labs.j <-[par.type%in%c("OMEGA","SIGMA"),.(par.type.j=par.type,j,symbol.j=symbol)]
labs.ij <- labs.j[,[par.type%in%c("OMEGA","SIGMA"),.(i,par.type.i=par.type,symbol.i=symbol)],by=labs.j]
labs.ij <- labs.ij[par.type.i==par.type.j & (i!=j)]
cols.drop <- cc(par.type.j, symbol.j, par.type.i, symbol.i)
labs.auto2 <- rbind(,labs.ij,fill=T)

### overwrite auto-gen labels with hard-coded ones
tab.labs.diag <- mergeCheck(
#> Column(s) added: label, unit

tab.labs.offdiag <- labs.auto2[par.type!="THETA"&i!=j]

tab.all.labs <- rbind(
                      ## ,tab.labs.offdiag

## mege onto estimates (ext)
pars.aug <- mergeCheck(pars.ext[FIX==0],
#> Column(s) added: nrep.LHS, nrep.par, LHS, code, symbol, label, unit

### back transformations
## pars.aug

pars.aug[,.(,symbol,FIX,label,unit,Estimate=value.trans,RSE=se/value)] symbol FIX label unit Estimate RSE
THETA(1) LTVKA 0 Absorption rate 1/h 2.2319441 0.0799855
THETA(2) LTVV2 0 Central volume L 74.9289252 0.0135819
THETA(3) LTVCL 0 Clearance L/h 12.8380061 0.0359016
THETA(4) LTVV3 0 Peripheral volume L 173.3790087 0.0494198
THETA(5) LTVQ 0 Intercompartmental clearance L/h 8.5985192 0.0300979
THETA(6) AGEEFF 0 Age effect on clearance 0.4427680 0.3174168
OMEGA(2,2) BSV.V2 0 Between-subject variability - Central volume 0.1737760 0.1796986
OMEGA(3,2) Cov.CL-V2 0 Covariance - Clearance and central volume -0.0478580 -0.5315162
OMEGA(3,3) BSV.CL 0 Between-subject variability - Clearance 0.2542050 0.1707079
SIGMA(1,1) SIGP 0 Proportional residual error 0.0812994 0.0668157

Handling multiple models at once

Any of the code above can be run on multiple models at once. NMdata functions generally return tables including a model column for this purpose. Let’s get a quick overview of a few models.

files <- system.file(file.path("examples/nonmem",c("xgxr132.mod","xgxr133.mod")),package="NMdata") <- NMrelate(files)[,symbol:=label][par.type=="OMEGA",symbol:=paste0("BSV.",symbol)] <-[!grepl("SIGMA",symbol)]

    mergeCheck([,.(model,,symbol)],by=c("model",""),all.x=T) |> 
    mergeCheck(tab.offline,by="symbol",all.x=T) |>
#> Column(s) added: symbol
#> Column(s) added: label, unit symbol label unit xgxr132 xgxr133
OMEGA(2,2) BSV.V2 Between-subject variability - Central volume 0.1754540 0.1737760
OMEGA(3,2) NA NA NA NA -0.0478580
OMEGA(3,3) BSV.CL Between-subject variability - Clearance 0.3092220 0.2542050
SIGMA(1,1) SIGP Proportional residual error 0.0809318 0.0812994
THETA(1) LTVKA Absorption rate 1/h 0.8134230 0.8028730
THETA(2) LTVV2 Central volume L 4.3236000 4.3165400
THETA(3) LTVCL Clearance L/h 2.4710300 2.5524100
THETA(4) LTVV3 Peripheral volume L 5.4265500 5.1554800
THETA(5) LTVQ Intercompartmental clearance L/h 2.2274200 2.1515900
THETA(6) AGEEFF Age effect on clearance 0.4197470 0.4427680