When interpreting parameter estimates, it is often needed to recover information about the meaning of the different parameters from control stream. `NMreadParsText` provides a flexible way to organize the comments in the parameter sections into a `data.frame`. This can subsequently easily be merged with parameter values as obtained with `NMreadExt`.
format.omega = format,
format.sigma = format.omega,
spaces.split = FALSE,
unique.matches = TRUE,
field.idx = "idx",
use.idx = FALSE,
fields.omega = fields,
fields.sigma = fields.omega
Path to the control stream to read.
As an alternative to `file`, the control stream or selected lines of the control stream can be provided as a vector of lines.
Defines naming and splitting of contents of lines in
parameter sections. Default is
. Be careful to
remember percentage symbols in front of any variable names.
Like `format`, applied to `$OMEGA` section. Default is to reuse `format`.
Like `format`, applied to `$SIGMA` section. Default is to reuse `format.omega`.
Is a blank in `fields` to be treated as a field seperator? Default is not to (i.e. neglect spaces in `fields`).
If TRUE, each line in the control stream is assigned to one parameter, at most. This means, if two parameters are listed in one line, the comments will only be used for one of the parameters, and only that parameter will be kept in output. Where this will typically happen is in `$OMEGA` and `$SIGMA` sections where off-diagonal may be put on the same line as diagonal elements. Since the off-diagonal elements are covariances of variables that have already been identified by the diagonals, the off-diagonal elements can be automatically described. For example, if `OMEGA(1,1)` is between-subject variability (BSV) on CL and `OMEGA(2,2) is BSV on V, then we know that `OMEGA(2,1)` is covariance of (BSV on) CL and V.
If an index field is manually provided in the control stream comments, define the name of that field in `format` and tell `NMreadParsTab()` to use this idx to organize especially OMEGA and SIGMA elements by pointing to it with `field.idx`. The default is to look for a variable called `idx`. If the index has values like 1-2 on an OMEGA or SIGMA row, the row is interpreted as the covariance between OMEGA/SIGMA 1 and 2.
The default method is to automatically identify element numbering (`i` for THETAs, `i` and `j` for OMEGAs and SIGMAs). The automated method is based on identification of `BLOCK()` structures and numbers of initial values. Should this fail, or should you want to control this manually, you can include a parameter counter in the comments and have `NMreadParsText()` use that to assign the numbering. `use.idx=FALSE` is default and means all blocks are handled automatically, `use.idx=TRUE` assumes you have a counter in all sections, and a character vector like `use.idx="omega"` can be used to denote which sections use such a counter from the control stream. When using a counter on OMEGA and SIGMA, off-diagonal elements MUST be denoted by `i-j`, like `2-1` for OMEGA(2,1). See `field.idx` too.
See ?NMscanData
See ?NMscanData
See ?NMscanData
If an index field in comments should be used to number thetas. The index field is used to organize `$OMEGA`s and `$SIGMA`s because they are matrices but I do not see where this is advantageous to do for `$THETA`s. Default `use.theta.idx=FALSE` which means `$THETA`s are simply counted.
Deprecated. Use `format`.
Deprecated. Use `format.omega`.
Deprecated. Use `format.sigma`.
data.frame with parameter names and fields read from comments
Off-diagonal omega and sigma elements will only be correctly treated if their num field specifies say 1-2 to specify it is covariance between 1 and 2.
elements in $OMEGA
will be skipped altogether.
## setDTthreads() is only needed for CRAN. Users should not do this.
## end setDTthreads() for CRAN
## notice, examples on explicitly stated lines. Most often in
## practice, one would use the file argument to automatically
## extract the $THETA, $OMEGA and $SIGMA sections from a control
## stream.
text <- c("
$THETA (.1) ;[1]; LTVKA (mL/h)
0.126303 ; IIV.CL ; 1 ;IIV ;Between-subject variability on CL;-
0.024 ; IIV.CL.V2.cov ; 1-2 ;IIV ;Covariance of BSV on CL and V2;-
0.127 ; IIV.V2 ; 2 ;IIV ;Between-subject variability on V2;-
0.2 ; IIV.CL.V3.cov ; 1-3 ;IIV ;Covariance of BSV on CL and V3;-
0.2 ; IIV.V2.V3.cov ; 2-3 ;IIV ;Covariance of BSV on V2 and V3;-
0.38 ; IIV.V3 ; 3 ;IIV ;Between-subject variability on V3;-
$OMEGA 0 FIX ; IIV.KA ; 4 ;IIV ;Between-subject variability on KA;-
lines <- strsplit(text,split="\n")[[1]]
res <- NMreadParsText(lines=lines,
format.omega="%init; %symbol ; %num ; %type ; %label ; %unit",
## BLOCK() SAME are skipped
text <- c("
(0,0.1) ; THE1 - 1) 1st theta
(0,4.2) ; THE2 - 2) 2nd theta
$OMEGA 0.08 ; IIV.TH1 ; 1 ;IIV
0.547465 ; IOV.TH1 ; 2 ;IOV
lines <- strsplit(text,split="\n")[[1]]
res <- NMreadParsText(lines=lines,
format="%init;%symbol - %idx) %label",
format.omega="%init; %symbol ; %idx ; %label "